
Rhonda Schreck

22 Collins Einhorn Farrell Lawyers included in 2022 Super Lawyers® Lists.

Collins Einhorn Farrell PC is pleased to announce that 22 of our firm’s lawyers have been included in the 2022 editions of Super Lawyers.  Four of the 22 recognized lawyers have been included in the Rising Stars edition, which recognizes attorneys who are early in their careers for their outstanding professional excellence in private practice….

Michigan Supreme Court Rejects and Blesses Reliance on Standing Orders in Medical-Malpractice Cases

The idiom “give with one hand and take away with the other” aptly describes aspects of the Supreme Court’s opinion in Estate of Corrado v Rieck. The Court held that a claim based on violation of a nursing home’s standing order is for medical malpractice but it fails as a matter of law. Then it…

Never mind, maybe everything is recorded: Schaumann-Beltran Reversal

In December 2020, I wrote about a Court of Appeals case holding that courts cannot permit parties to video record their medical examinations. It was proof that everything isn’t recorded, I said. Forget that. We’ll have to look for proof elsewhere because the Supreme Court reversed in Schaumann-Beltran v Gemmete. The facts and holding in Schaumann-Beltran are…

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