
Donald D. Campbell appointed co-chair of the Committee on Aging and the Profession

In September 2005 Donald D. Campbell was appointed co-chair of the Committee on Aging and the Profession a joint project between the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers and the National Organization of Bar Counsel. The Committee creating ways to humanely and efficiently address the problems that will clearly arise as the profession ages and to…

Richard Joslin defends medical malpractice action

Richard Joslin defends medical malpractice action, plaintiff sought $4 million in closing argument. After 8 hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of no cause for action.

Donald D. Campbell selected to serve as an expert witness to SBM’s Representative Assembly

Donald D. Campbell was selected to serve as an expert witness to the State Bar of Michigan’s Representative Assembly’s during the debate on the Proposed Amendments to the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct and Proposed Michigan Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions.

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