
November 16, 2017

Legal Malpractice Update: Estate of Nash v City of Grand Haven

The Court of Appeals adopted an expansion of the attorney-client privilege in Estate of Nash v City of Grand Haven (2017). Attorney-client communications relating to legal advice are privileged, of course. But what if another party communicates with both a party and that party’s attorney in an attempt to develop a common legal strategy? Ordinarily,…

Legal Malpractice Update: Estate of Maki v Coen

Estate of Maki v Coen (2017) holds that an attorney who represents a conservator represents only the conservator—not the conservator’s ward. Until Maki, some parties argued that a conservator’s attorney represented both the conservator and the conservator’s ward—the “protected individual,” as the Estates and Protected Individuals Code (“EPIC”) puts it. Typically, parties argued for this…

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