

David Anderson to participate in professional liability roundtable at NYU Law in May 2013

Collins Einhorn attorney David Anderson will be a featured speaker at the upcoming International Association of Defense Counsel’s Professional Liability Roundtable at NYU Law School on May 16, 2013. The topic for David’s panel discussion is: “When the Tripartite Relationship is Challenged by Coverage Issues.” The “tripartite relationship” is the relationship between the insurer, the…

Legal malpractice actions in Michigan are now subject to a statute of repose

With new legislation effective January 2, 2013, the Michigan Legislature retained the two-year statute of limitations and discovery rule applicable to attorney malpractice claims. Under both current and previous law, attorney malpractice claims accrue when the attorney ceases representing the client as to the matter out of which the claim arises. And under both the current and previous regime, the “discovery rule” provides a limited exception to this statute of limitations: a client can bring a malpractice claim within six months after he or she learns of the malpractice or should have learned of it.

Campbell to Address the Michigan Creditors Bar Association

Donald Campbell will address the Michigan Creditors Bar Association at their upcoming membership meeting on September 19, 2012. The topic of his presentation is “Demystifying TAON and the Attorney Grievance Process.”

Joslin and Juarez-Lundberg Article in the Summer 2012 Issue of Michigan Medical Law Report

Richard Joslin and Tanya Juarez-Lundberg’s article on “”Keeping Track of Malpractice”” appeared in the Summer 2012 Issue of Michigan Medical Law Report. The article addresses the question frequently posed by practitioners regarding the impact settlement will have on them. As discussed in the article, payments of money made as a result of a written complaint…

CEFU Lawyers Richard Joslin and Melissa Graves Co-Author Article in Michigan Medical Law Report

CEFU Lawyers, Richard Joslin and Melissa Graves, co-authored an article in the Vol 7, No. 3, Fall 2011 issue of Michigan Medical Law Report. In the artice entitled “In Supervising other health care providers, the duties and liabilities are many,” Joslin and Graves explain that Michigan law requires that many non-physician health care provides be…

Richard Joslin’s Article “Published in “Medical Office Today”

On April 6, 2011, Richard Joslin’s Article “You are Your Brother’s Keeper” was published in “Medical Office Today.” In the article, Rick states in part, that “as interactions between physicians and allied healthcare providers increase, it is incumbent upon physicians to understand what legal responsibility they may have for the care being provided by non-physician…

“Social Media and Word-of-Mouse Discovery Tips 4 Litig8tors,” By David C. Anderson and Melissa E. Graves

The March 15, 2011 edition of DRI Riding the E O Line, Vol 3 Issue 1, featured an article written by CEFU attorneys David C. Anderson and Melissa E. Graves. The article focused on the use of social networking sites, such as Facebook, in discovery.

David Anderson to Co-Host The Oakland County Bar Association’s Bench-Bar Conference

On March 25, 2011, David Anderson will co-host the Oakland County Bar Association’s Bench-Bar Conference. The focus of the conference will be social media as it relates to privacy issues in the practice of law.

Social Networking Interview of CEFU Lawyer Deborah Lujan Appears in Feb. 2011 Issue of Claims Magazine

CEFU attorney Deborah Lujan was featured in Claims Magazine’s February 2011 issue in an article entitiled “Speaking Of: Social Media Intelligence” Deborah opined on: (1) the usefulness of social networking sites for lawyers and investigators; (2) whether information from networking sites can be a useful tool in discovery; (3) on ethical considerations for lawyers and…

Deborah Lujan Appears in Feb. 2011 Issue of Claims Magazine

February 2011 – Claims Magazine “Speaking Of: Social Media Intelligence.” See attached for full article. CEFU attorney Deborah Lujan was featured in Claims Magazine’s February 2011 issue. Deborah opined on: (1) the usefulness of social networking sites for lawyers and investigators; (2) whether information from networking sites can be a useful tool in discovery; (3)…

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