

Social media pratfalls in litigation

Walter Olson at Overlawyered chronicles another case in which imprudent use of social media had disastrous consequences for parties in litigation. A couple involved in a personal injury lawsuit declared on Facebook that they could not go to the gym or finalize a divorce until the lawsuit was over. After these posts came to light,…

“Value of life” testimony as junk science: a new article by Trent Collier

Trent Collier‘s article How Much Are You Worth? Value-of-Life Testimony and Its Evidentiary Challenges appears in the Summer 2013 Negligence Law Section Newsletter and is scheduled for publication in an upcoming issue of Claims Management Magazine. The article discusses expert testimony on “hedonic damages,” where some economists claim to measure the monetary value of human…

Collins Einhorn in the MDTC Quarterly

Collins Einhorn is well-represented in the April 2013 issue of the MDTC Quarterly, published by the Michigan Defense Trial Counsel. Geoffrey M. Brown authored the Medical Malpractice Report. Trent B. Collier, along with Dickinson Wright PLLC attorney Phillip J. DeRosier, authored the Appellate Practice Report. Michael J. Sullivan and David C. Anderson wrote the Legal…

Don Campbell quoted in Michigan Lawyers Weekly on value-based billing

Collins Einhorn attorney Donald Campbell is quoted in Are ‘Value-Based Fees’ Ethical?’ in the June 17, 2013 issue of Michigan Lawyers Weekly. The article discusses Don’s take on “value-based” billing: It is good for clients and lawyers to be able to freely contract for the performance of legal services in return for a fee that…

Donald Campbell featured in Law Practice Today’s Career Paths

Collins Einhorn attorney Donald Campbell is featured in the June 2013 issue of Law Practice Today. His interview with Carol Ann Martinelli ranges from his inspiration to practice law to ways in which technology has affected legal ethics. He discuss the serious impact that the Internet has had on adherence to rules of professional conduct…

Brian Einhorn featured in OCBA@Work

Collins Einhorn attorney Brian Einhorn is featured in the latest OCBA@Work, published by the Oakland County Bar Association. It’s a quick read that provides some great insights into one of our firm’s founders and the next president of the State Bar of Michigan.

Michael Sullivan to moderate panel on “managing the tripartite relationship”

Michael Sullivan will serve as the program chair and moderator of the International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC) Professional Liability Roundtable scheduled for May 16, 2013 at New York University Law School in New York City. The theme of this year’s roundtable will be “Managing the Tripartite Relationship.” Presenters will include lawyers and claims professionals…

Michigan Supreme Court streams oral arguments in real time

The Michigan Supreme Court has added an invaluable tool to its online resources. The Court now streams oral arguments in real time on its website. This new resource, together with the Court’s video archive of oral arguments, makes all of the Court’s oral arguments available to the public. More critical online resources for Michigan attorneys…

2013 Amendments to FMLA Regulations: what you need to know

On March 8, 2013, various amendments to the Family Medical Leave Act regulations became effective. The principal changes fall within two areas: (1) expanding both the coverage and qualifying injuries for military leaves; and (2) specifying different eligibility standards for airline flight crews. The Department of Labor also released several new and revised FMLA forms;…

Have questions or looking for further information? Contact one of our attorneys.